Hells Kittchen Devil God Font

Hells Kittchen Devil God Font

With Hells Kittchen Devil God being a cool half-scratched half-dingbat emo font, a cold dark side will reveal itself once your text borrows its unique style. The imperfect angular characters it includes might be right what you need to involve some creepiness in your crazy designs, be it a game, poster, apparel, or anything else as such. Cool, right?

Note of Designer

Copyright (c) 2013 by Manuel Viergutz. All rights reserved.

The font name is a pun on the Ger­man word »Kitt­chen« (English prison/jail) and the English »Hell’s Kit­chen«. The cha­rac­ter of the font looks as though the scum here — the guilty and inno­cent pri­soners carved/scratched their signs and mes­sa­ges at the pri­son walls of their jail cell. The cold, creepy and scratchy cha­rac­ter of the hand­writ­ten type­face is a very uni­que gloomy atmosphere.

The scary, dark, hor­ror, trash, hand­writ­ten script font »Hells Kitt­chen Devil God« with many symbols/dingbats would look creepy good at rusty dis­play size for head­lines. Maga­zi­nes or web­sites, movie pos­ters, music covers or webbanner.

Head­line Font / Dis­play Font / Trash Script »Hells Kitt­chen Devil God«
Open­Type Font with 375 gly­phs — many symbols/dingbats, alter­na­tive let­ters
and liga­tures (with accents &€) & 2 style (regu­lar, bold)


File Info

License Personal use
Category Category Emo Fonts
Downloads Downloads 29
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Designed by: Typo Graphic Design
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