There are probably hundreds of round font collections on different websites on Google, and still, we’re pretty confident that ours ranks above all the others. After all, we have spent years making sure of that. The best professionals in the game carefully put together the collection you see in front of you, so try not to miss this wonderful opportunity, especially if you’re only a starter. It’ll be like having an experienced designer on your side all the time, telling you which font is right for each of your designs. Gentle, kind, and clean, our rounded fonts are a great choice when you want your typography to appeal to a large crowd of audience with different tastes. You can never go wrong with a round font anyway. We’re here to make sure of that. So let’s see what RB wesbite has in store for you in this awesome round bundle now.
The first tutorial ever made for learning the essential facts about rounded fonts:
- The most important features of font style that are unique to rounded fonts: Usually designed as simple as possible, these fonts land incredibly well on all minimalist works of art and thus are perfect for today’s modern lettering. As you can see, they are most often developed as sans serif fonts, wired to highlight a contemporary quality from the start. Thin or thick, round letters are bound to stand out. They hold on to their plain outline so tightly that not even a nice cursive style can ruin it the slightest. At most, it just adds more elegance to the text. That’s all. And even if you’re worried about your rounded texts not being misread or anything, you can always opt for a non-cursive script round font and everything will be just fine. It’s usual for the rounded alphabet to include circle letters or blocks of square characters. After all, they hardly ever seek excessive decorations, so they might as well deliver more creative lettering by adopting wider or narrower, taller or shorter outlines every once in a while, for a change. Even if they pick up a gothic style, it’s never going to be as rough and intimidating as the other gothic fonts. Turns out their round edges are surprisingly good at canceling out any sign of sharpness and keeping only the pleasant retro quality.
- The feelings that are generally inspired through texts customized with rounded fonts: We’re going to ask you to close your eyes for just a few seconds and picture a piece of text with a rounded font in Arabic. Isn’t it still fun and adorable even though you probably can't read it? Well, sure it is. No matter what words you write and what language you use, rounded fonts always bring a vibrant trait to the table. These soft round elements are already friendly by default. So when you see a handwritten round typeface, don’t let it go before you download it into your font kit. Soon enough, you’re going to need that extra note of friendliness more than you think. Their distinctive letters get straight to the point and establish a young fresh mood along the way, and that's why they are favored so much among both kids and adults. Many associate the round alphabet with a cute quality, and you can’t say they’re wrong. With the least playful design details, round uppercase and lowercase letters manage to make a lovely impression without even trying that hard. Their round characters are going to feel so light on your every design but at the same time lead the way to an excellent bold output. How amazing is that?
- Every designer needs rounded fonts to use regularly here and there. It has never been easier to design an inviting logo for every brand as it is now that you have all these terrific round fonts to choose from. They are basically the bread and butter of the design world. Your stationery items, apparel, cosmetics, and everything can be neatly labeled with these stylish fonts in just a few simple clicks. Download any of these rounded fonts from RB now and tastefully promote construction companies, art galleries, educational institutions, supermarkets, all kinds of stores, or any other place you can think of quicker than ever. Other than being great for all branding purposes, round fonts are also wildly popular in book covers, website banners, business cards, posters, social media posts, signs, and so on. It’s like there’s nothing they can’t do. Formal or not, your projects can always use a rounded font to look exceptional. For that, you can count on our rounded pack to draw more attention to your art and not take things too far either with unnecessary additional details.
- If you have grown fond of our rounded fonts, you should see the other offers we have to make. Given how useful these fonts are in both routine and advanced design works, it makes sense that we have so many of them stored in our ever-growing collection. This font family can handle different genres of typography with no problem, so you might want to see the other similar fonts we have for you on Resource Boy. Case in point, you’ll find the same cheerful spirit of round fonts in our other bundle for bubble fonts. These sophisticated geometric fonts on the other hand are sometimes used alongside round letters because they are just as expressive and clean-cut. You can see that we never run out of interesting offers for you here. So add Resource Boy to your bookmarks and stay tuned for more updates as well as new graphic supplies that are going to rock your world.