Inner Folded Book Cover Mockup on a Solid Background

Inner Folded Book Cover Mockup on a Solid Background FREE PSD

By creating a good book cover, you can make an interesting design that will convince potential readers to pick up your book and read it immediately. Adding complete notes can attract readers to buy your book. Therefore, make sure to include all necessary items from texts to graphics. This is a creative and eye-catching book cover mockup that will show you what your design looks like in real life.

By the way, The scene features a downward folded cover that allows you to showcase everything you like from the spine view. Furthermore, The mockup has an informative help file that helps you insert your unique designs and graphics into the scene using Photoshop in few teaks with no bother.

File Info

License Personal use
Compatibility Adobe Photoshop
Category Category Book Mockups
Downloads Downloads 15
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Designed by: Graphicpear
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