You can never trade the bold style of postcard fonts with anything else. So you can guess why they’re so popular and used for a lot of different projects other than postcard design as well. Borrow the sweet text greetings from these old-timey cards and use them to bring more joy to any other artwork of yours. The idea of posting such things through mail may sound a bit old school now, but you can still email a digital version of your vacation postcard to your friends and family. For that, you’ll need RB on your side. Once you see our terrific postcard fonts in this bundle, you’re going to wish you were here sooner.
A quick review of postcard fonts and what they’re capable of
- What is the general look for this font category? It all comes down to you and your taste when choosing what you're going to put on your postcards. So there’s really no way you can single out the characteristics of these fonts. But to get you started, here are a few hints that can help you decide better. For instance, you probably prefer a nice cursive font for creating something fancy, or a font with large letters for when you want your words to stick out. While the script versions are better at bringing intimacy to your communication with the reader, their serif fonts can decorate your writing with all kinds of old-fashioned details. You may even be interested in one of those old Western fonts that will make your artwork look like a vintage postcard. In the meantime, some of them are designed with the theme of a certain city or state. So, your options are pretty wide here.
- What kind of feelings come to life when you customize a text with postcard letters? Every font in this collection comes with a certain mood package to implement in your text. Many of them are flavored with a nice retro charm that makes your audience favor your art more. Plus, there’s often a handcrafted feel associated with them that complements the friendly tone of their handwritten letters. Usually designed with a variety of playful details, the postcard alphabet brings along a happy mood to your design to share it with the readers. As a classic sign of a postcard font, this delightful touch is not something you can ever get enough of. If there’s one thing for sure, it’s the fact that these blocks of letters are going to let your artwork wow everyone very smoothly.
- How often will you get the chance to use a font from this bundle for your artwork? This collection is a must-have for any user of Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. It gives you plenty of opportunities to design a variety of typography projects, and not just retro postcard templates. Case in point, their big letters will be great as vintage travel ads as well as Valentine’s Day posters. In a nutshell, there’s nothing these fonts can’t handle. Even the name of your brand can benefit from their unique characters. As long as your lettering lacks a touch of creativity, these fonts can hit the spot.
- What should you visit next on our website after this wonderful collection of fonts? With all the different fonts lying around in this bundle, nothing can ever stop you from creating a masterpiece. If you need more inspiration, you’ve got the rest of our library to check out and a lot more gems like these to download too. For instance, we’re pretty sure you’re going to love all our cut out fonts as well as our handwritten fonts. So buckle up for a wild ride through RB's inventory.