KB Cloudy Day Font

KB Cloudy Day Font

KB Cloudy Day font is one of the most beloved fantasy font styles and you can never find anything like this on other sites. This marker font allows you to be the best example in designing T-shirts and notebooks due to its childish look.

If you want to step forward and grow your sales network, be our guest and use this cartoon font in many brands of children, for example, T-shirts, toys, and kid snakes packaging.

Note of Designer

*This font may be used for ANY free/personal use
*You may use this font on your personal blog or website; however you must include my button on the site.
*Any SMALL business commercial use requires a license. This can be purchased through a $5 donation per font. If you would like to purchase a SMALL business license to use ALL KB fonts by Khrys Bosland, a one-time $25 donation can be made. If you would like to confirm that your needs will fit under the Small Business license, please email me at [email protected]
*You may NOT use this font as a logo or part of a logo without my written permission, as this requires a different license.
*You may NOT use this font in an iPad/iPhone/Android APP without my written permission, as this requires a different license.
*If you are a LARGE business/ad agency/media company/etc. interested in using my fonts in your companies ads, brochures, websites, television shows, etc. Please notify me to purchase a large commercial license by emailing me at [email protected]
*This font is NOT to be sold as is! You may not sell, distribute, or claim the font as your own.

*These terms of use are subject to change at any time by the font creator Khrys Bosland

File Info

License Personal use
Category Category Comic Fonts
Downloads Downloads 2
Free Download
Designed by: Khrys Bosland
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