Harper Font

Harper Font

Your content lacks a friendly design and if you want to give it a modern style then you need to use a sans-serif font. That being the case we suggest Harper, a brilliant font usable in many projects like texts, billboards, and advertisements. subtitles and apparently everywhere.

This font comes with an impressive collection of characters containing both the uppercase and lowercase of the alphabet, the numbers, and the punctuation marks.

Note of Designer

Terms Of Use
By downloading or using our font, you are read and accept to the Our Term and Use Agreement :This font is copyrighted and protected by the law. Usage of this font on any work without proper license is
deemed as illegal. You might get fined for at least USD 3000 for this act. Please do understand that we have our own system for tracking the usage of our works on internet.


Dengan mengunduh atau menggunakan font kami, Anda membaca dan menerima Perjanjian Persyaratan dan Penggunaan Kami: Font ini memiliki hak cipta dan dilindungi oleh hukum. Penggunaan font ini pada pekerjaan apa pun tanpa lisensi yang tepat adalah
dianggap ilegal. Anda mungkin akan didenda setidaknya USD 3000 untuk tindakan ini. Harap dipahami bahwa kami memiliki sistem kami sendiri untuk melacak penggunaan karya kami di internet.

Halo, perlu diketahui bahwa font ini hanyak untuk penggunaan PERSONAL SAJA .
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk penggunaan KOMERSIL apapun kecuali anda membeli LISENSI-nya terlebih dahulu.
Lisensi bisa anda beli di : [email protected]


-You may not Capture screen shots, record video, record audio and copy text from products to use as press material, without permission from our company.

– For Corporate or Commercial use you have to purchase Corporate and commercial license, please

contact us at : [email protected] / https://creativemarket.com/Lilmo/6577046-Carmilla– Any donation are acceptable and very appreciated. Here is Our Paypal account for donation : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ryanrivaldovierra

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Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ryaanrivaldovi1
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ryanrivaldovierra/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ryan.vierra.9/

File Info

License Personal use
Category Category Sans Serif Fonts
Downloads Downloads 28
Free Download
Designed by: Ryan Rivaldo Vierra
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