Perfect for when you want to portray the concept of high speed in your project, no other category comes close to fast fonts. They are all deliberately designed with random motion lines all over their letters to make your text look like it’s moving ahead. That’s why these fonts always deliver typography designs that feel modern and advanced. Just wait until the first time that their slanted letters level up your branding artwork and you won’t be able to get enough of them afterwards. The good news is that the next time you have a need for fast fonts, you can find anything you’re looking for from Resource Boy’s collection in no time.
Read the answers to the following questions to become an expert in fast fonts
- How to identify these fonts from the rest through the characteristics seen in their letters? More often than not, the conventional font style that this category is known for is made of italic letters. The movement effect applied to the characters is just like racing fonts, making your writing look very exciting as if it has something huge to let you know. The goal is for the communication to be instant but impactful at the same time. It’s kind of their thing to highlight your words with their sharp edges and thus make them stick out. The fonts in here are also known for their cinematic display of letters, as they draw even more attention to your design by adding shadows to your text. You may also want to get used to seeing fast letters in stretched or compressed forms. That’s something that even their script versions have in common.
- What is the kind of mood that these fonts are most associated with? When you customize your lettering with a font from this collection, it will sound highly futuristic, whether it’s in English or any other language. It’s like their movement is interpreted as progress and makes you come off as the kind of personality who’s always ahead of the game. Their sporty theme is a lot like the category of running fonts, giving more power and energy to your writing so that it's noticed enough. The fast alphabet can also benefit you in your designs with a sci fi genre, or when you want to add a hint of technology to your artwork. With the right font, you can also dismiss that contemporary touch from your typography and replace it with a classic quality to produce the same arresting combination of feelings but this time with a nice retro flair.
- Where can you usually rely on the unique design of this font category for creating a more impressive artwork? It’s not hard to figure out how perfect these fonts are as logos, especially for representing a car company or something like that. You’ll find them extremely useful in designing cool T-shirts, DJ party posters, advertising banners, action movies, and so on. All in all, they make bold titles for different kinds of sports designs like football video games and flyers promoting soccer game events. Basically, any time you want your lettering design to get your audience in the mood and you expect them to act quickly in response to your words, there are the fonts for you.
- Other than this one-of-a-kind selection, what more of these treats are available for designers on the Resource Boy website? Everything that’s gathered here is handpicked by RB from around the net so that you can finally have access to a bundle that can be called the best collection of fast fonts ever. For finding more interesting assets like this, check out and download our automotive fonts too and you’ll get to design at an even more professional level.