Product Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand

Product Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand FREE PSD

Product Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand FREE PSDProduct Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand FREE PSDProduct Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand FREE PSDProduct Packaging Mockup Featuring Box on a Round Stand FREE PSD

Well, it’s not much of a secret that the packaging a company offers for its products definitely speaks for the brand without even saying a word, and that’s the beauty of it. You see, it’s not just about the colors and logo and images, but it’s the overall look that is going to get the job done, which in this case can be interpreted as getting the customers to like your product, and then followed by them purchasing it.

And just like how important it is to come up with a beautiful design, it also matters how you go on and represent it. That’s why you can insert your package design on this box mockup placed on a round stand, and you’re good to go.

File Info

License Personal & Commercial use
Compatibility Adobe Photoshop
Category Category Box Mockups
Downloads Downloads 204
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Designed by Graphic Google
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