Perspective View Mockup of Two A3 Posters in Outdoor Setting

Perspective View Mockup of Two A3 Posters in Outdoor Setting FREE PSD

Although A3 posters are not as widely featured in different mockups as A4 ones, you can still find some simple mockups that meet your end professionally. But with today’s resources, we are gonna cut your work short, and offer you a modern A3 poster mockup that is without a doubt a cut above the rest.

It features two A3 posters in perspective view placed on a wooden surface in the outdoors. The shadows of trees fall on the pieces of paper that are supposed to display your artwork, creating a beautiful photorealistic scene. The layout keeps the customization process simple, so you just have to download the mockup and you’ll be as good as done.

File Info

License Personal & Commercial use
Compatibility Adobe Photoshop
Category Category Vertical Poster Mockups
Downloads Downloads 135
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Designed by: Style Mockups
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