Mockup Featuring a Folded Letterhead and an Envelope

Mockup Featuring a Folded Letterhead and an Envelope FREE PSD

This is mockup features a perfect combination of letterhead and an envelope from the top view that can be customized in a breeze. You can use this set for many purposes. Besides, before you start making physical products, you can try several styles to find what suits your taste.

By the way, the scene is creatively designed to seem as true-to-life as possible. Having that said, the folded leather-head and its shadow on the background along with the envelope on its side catch everyone’s eyes by realism. Just insert your texts, and graphics and see the perfect result in a snap.

File Info

License Personal use
Compatibility Adobe Photoshop
Category Category Envelope Mockups
Downloads Downloads 281
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Designed by Graphicpear
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